One of the most common requests we get is for porch repair, especially porch foundation repair. Usually a corner of the porch foundation has ‘chunked’ off because of excessive water building up in the foundation. This comes from rain runoff that usually goes down one side or another and constantly saturates a particular corner of the porch foundation and ultimately causes it to fail.
After a while the freezing begins to take its toll and ‘ping’, off comes a chunk of the foundation and a porch repair is needed. Without a proper porch repair you will end up with an ugly mess on your hands. This usually isn’t a major porch repair job but it can take up to a few days to fix so be prepared.
With small jobs such as this we do not clean the foundation wall as we would on larger projects but instead rely on the bonding properties of the cements and chemicals we use for a quality porch repair.
Look at the pictures and see what you think of the type of porch repair we can perform for your property. If you are in the market for a repair such as this, give us a call. We’ll be happy to discuss your options for a porch repair that will protect your foundation, allow water to run off properly and provide an attractive appearance. Contact us for an estimate, for more information or to have your questions answered.