Is it time for that old porch to be turned into a beautiful deck? Many homeowners need to just get rid of what they have... old concrete porches, … [Read more...]
Handy Home Pro - Olde World Masons
Cincinnati Masonry Repair - Brick, Stone, Stucco Repair - Restoration Specialist
Is it time for that old porch to be turned into a beautiful deck? Many homeowners need to just get rid of what they have... old concrete porches, … [Read more...]
Garage lintel replacement is becoming more frequent as homes and buildings age. The steel used to … [More...]
Brick step repair is a common inquiry we receive at our office. Brick steps always experience … [More...]
It sometimes amazes me what people will do on the inside of their homes especially when it comes to … [More...]
We receive inquiries for these types of crack repairs all the time. Someone hires another mason to … [More...]
Window lintel replacement request are growing because building and homes are getting older and need … [More...]